What We Do

DML Associates offers a wide range of services including, but not limited to, the areas indicated below. Clients benefit from our broad network of world class subject matter experts while enjoying personalized service that is customized to address their individual requirements.

Investigative Intelligence

The complex nature of the world we live in exemplifies the need to proactively manage business relationships and transactions. Your company does not want to find out too late that they have violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act through a business relationship or transaction, or that they have been victimized by an unsavory business associate. DML Associates can provide the comprehensive background and due diligence information to assist in making informed decisions before entering into a partnership, agreement, etc.

Areas of expertise include:

Risk Advisory Consultation

DML Associates’ network of subject matter experts are uniquely qualified to provide clients with specific guidance regarding the full gamut of risk advisory consulting services. Our experts possess extensive law enforcement experience addressing today’s most significant crime problem risks. Our AML experts specialize in identifying AML risks that make clients vulnerable to exploitation.

Areas of expertise include:

Legal Support Services

In today’s business environment, more and more financial institutions and businesses are finding themselves as subjects or potential subjects in civil law suits or criminal investigations. DML Associates possesses extensive experience providing expert consulting and investigative support in civil and criminal litigation matters.

Our experts also possess the skills and knowledge required to assist clients in asset location and recovery.

Legal support services include:

Compliance Consultation Services

Understanding and implementing solutions to deal with compliance risk and regulatory reporting requirements can be challenging and intimidating. DML Associates’ experienced experts are available to provide clients with guidance and assurance in addressing risk recognition through the risk assessment process. We work with our clients to understand and meet regulatory reporting requirements.

Areas of compliance risk assessment include:

Educational Seminars and Training

Education is a powerful tool that transforms a company. A well trained staff leads to a proactive, efficient and productive staff. In the current economic and regulatory climate, education is more than a productivity tool; it is a necessity in order to maintain corporate compliance, manage business relationships and successfully conduct business.

A training program is only as good as the material that is presented. Dennis Lormel possesses extensive experience providing training that is timely, comprehensive and relevant. His distinguished career spans across government, law enforcement, corporate, financial and legal communities and has earned him respect as subject matter expert in anti-money laundering, fraud and terrorist financing.

Training programs include:

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For a PDF listing of training topics and to review our library of training sessions